Accredited imi management assessors

The IMI is the professional body for individuals working in the motor industry, and the authoritative voice of the sector. The IMI is transforming the automotive industry by setting, upholding and promoting professional standards - driving skills acquisition, establishing clearer career paths, and boosting public confidence. WINC HR Consultants are now Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI) Accredited Assessors, enabling us to deliver Automotive Industry qualification programmes.

We provide a full range of Psychetric Tools and Instruments as part of our Executive Assessment and Management Development initiatives. As IMI accredited Managment Assessors, Partnering with Approved Centres by the Institute of the Motor Industry (IMI) for Management and Leadership accreditations, we can offer IMI Quality Assured Programmes (QAP) that are designed for organisations who offer training within the automotive sector. For individuals, we offer IMI Accreditation which provides proof of current management competency levels.

The IMI Accreditation Management assessment has been designed to provide flexibility in its approach to measuring the critical competencies of an individual in role. The assessment is made up of a series of practical, observational and theory assessments.  An approved assessor measures an individual’s competency against the industry standard framework, the Automotive Management & Leadership Competency Framework, which outlines the requirements that a good manager needs to demonstrate achievement in.

The comprehensive assessment processes involve:

  • IMI 360 appraisal providing a reflection of management performance from both the individual’s perspective and those of their work colleagues and peers
  • Criteria-based interview carried out in the workplace
  • Environment observation – how the manger leads and responds to activities in the workplace such as a team meeting or communication
  • Presentation of a real-life business improvement that has been achieved within the last 12 months
  • IMI Accreditation Management online knowledge test

IMI Accreditation Management assessment is delivered by approved assessors that are quality assured through the Awarding Organisation IMI Awards Ltd.  There are two options available for delivery of the assessments:

  • External provision through an IMI Accreditation approved assessment centre
  • Internal provision through IMI Accredited assessors.  Businesses are required to have their training programmes mapped to the Automotive M&L Competency Framework to enable structured provision for development to be accessible

If you would like some help to set-up great data analytics systems, WNC consultants shine in the employment arena. We pride ourselves on being our clients’ most valuable partner in the attraction, retention and engagement of their current and future employees. We offer quality end-to-end strategies and solutions including creative, digital, research, planning and communications within the workforce effectiveness space. Find out more about what we’re up to on the WINC website – and keep up-to-date with our latest insights on FacebookLinkedIn and Twitter.

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Portrait of Karl Wood with circle frame.

Karl Wood is a global HR and employment professional who has an impeccable record in delivering HR solutions for industry leading firms. Known for his characteristic creativity, Karl champions ideas that promote growth, profit and a positive organisational identity.